Posts tagged echam

JSBACH (Jena Scheme for Biosphere-Atmosphere Coupling in Hamburg)

Reiner Schnur

Historically, JSBACH grew out of ECHAM5 by collecting all land processes into a separate land component – then called JSBACH – accessed from ECHAM each time step via a single subroutine call. Accordingly, JSBACH inherits all the land processes originally present in ECHAM5, in particular the way the surface energy balance is solved, and how the land processes are coupled to the atmosphere.

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CDI-PIO (Climate Data Interface with parallel writing )

Hendryk Bockelmann

CDI-PIO is currently used for parallelized GRIB1/GRIB2 and NetCDF output in ECHAM and ICON models. CDI-PIO is the parallel I/O component of the Climate Data Interface (CDI) that is developed and maintained by the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology and DKRZ. It is used by ICON, MPIOM, ECHAM, and the Climate Data Operator (CDO) toolkit. The two main I/O paths for output data are writing GRIB files using MPI-IO, and writing NetCDF4 files using HDF5 (which may then also use MPI-IO,or other VOL plugins).

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