CDI-PIO (Climate Data Interface with parallel writing )#
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CDI-PIO is currently used for parallelized GRIB1/GRIB2 and NetCDF output in ECHAM and ICON models. CDI-PIO is the parallel I/O component of the Climate Data Interface (CDI) that is developed and maintained by the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology and DKRZ. It is used by ICON, MPIOM, ECHAM, and the Climate Data Operator (CDO) toolkit. The two main I/O paths for output data are writing GRIB files using MPI-IO, and writing NetCDF4 files using HDF5 (which may then also use MPI-IO,or other VOL plugins).
High-throughput/low-latency output of model data supporting different file formats
Cross-platform support for all relevant HPC systems
Minimized disturbance of on-going computations via asynchronous RDMA transfer
cdi_pio :GNU GPL v2.0
Programming language(s)#