Posts tagged runoff

COSIPY - COupled Snowpack and Ice surface energy and mass balance model in PYthon (COSIPY)

Tobias Sauter

COSIPY is a flexible and user friendly coupled snowpack and ice surface energy and mass balance model written in Python. COSIPY is based on COSIMA, a ‘COupled Snowpack and Ice surface energy and MAss balance model’, translating the code into Python, and developing further the initial concepts. It combines a surface energy balance (SEB) with a multi-layer subsurface snow and ice model to compute the glacier mass balance (MB). The calculated surface melt water serves as input for the subsurface model. The two models are directly coupled in order to account for melt water percolation, retention and refreezing within the snow pack under consideration of latent heat release and resulting subsurface melt as well as the effects on subsurface temperature, snow density and ground heat flux. All subsurface processes are resolved in a vertical layer structure. COSIPY consists of several modules for solving the heat equation, calculating percolation and refreezing and calculating densification. The modular model setup allows replacing single parameterizations.

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HD Model (Hydrological Discharge Model)

Stefan Hagemann

The Hydrological Discharge (HD) model calculates the lateral transport of water over the land surface to simulate discharge into the oceans. It has been validated and applied in many studies since the publication of its original global 0.5° version (Hagemann and Dümenil 1998; Hagemann and Dümenil Gates 2001). Hagemann et al. 2020 developed a high-resolution version that can be applied globally at a 5 Min. (~8-9 km) resolution. This HD version was applied and validated over Europe. The HD model has been coupled to several global and regional Earth System Models. It separates the lateral water flow into the three flow processes of overland flow, baseflow, and riverflow. Overland flow and baseflow represent the fast and slow lateral flow processes within a grid box, while riverflow represents the lateral flow between grid boxes. The HD model requires gridded fields of surface and subsurface runoff as input for overland flow and baseflow, respectively, with a temporal resolution of one day or higher.

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Daniel Caviedes-Voullième

The Simulation EnviRonment for Geomorphology, Hydrodynamics, and Ecohydrology in Integrated form is a multi-dimensional, multi-domain, and multi-physics model framework for environmental and landscape simulation.

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