Posts tagged cdrmare
REcoM - Regulated Ecosystem Model
- 21 May 2024
REcoM is a water column biogeochemistry and ecosystem model, which incorporates cycles of carbon, nutrients (nitrogen, iron, and silicon) and oxygen with varying intracellular stoichiometry in phytoplankton, zooplankton, and detritus. REcoM can be run in configurations of varying complexity with up to three phytoplankton functional types (PFTs), namely diatoms, coccolithophores and small phytoplankton, up to three zooplankton types (micro- meso and polar microzooplankton) and up to two detritus classes (slow- and fast-sinking). REcoM can also simulate carbon and iron isotopes, and can be coupled to the sediment model Medusa. REcoM is the ocean biogeochemistry module of the AWI Earth System Model and is used for hindcasts, CMIP-type future projections and paleo applications.