ISSM - Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model#

Contact person

Angelika Humbert


The Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM) a finite-element 3D thermo-mechanical ice-sheet model that relies on high-order physics to simulate high-resolution ice flow on continental scales.

Ice in the Earth system model refers to all components of the cryosphere: ice and snow on land, glaciers and permafrost in soils and the deep sea.

Ice has an important influence on various time scales on physical, biological and social systems of the Earth. Models of the cryosphere simulate the past and future movement and evolution of glaciers and other components.

The sea ice of the natESM-System is included in the ocean modell ICON-O.


  • ISSM, open-source, main developed at NASA

Programming language(s)#



#optional #landice #snow #permafrost #glacier #issm #cryosphere #ice sheet

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