Atmospheric chemistry and aerosols#

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Aerosol and Reactive Trace gases (ART) is a component of the ICON modeling framework that enables explicit treatment of atmospheric composition and its interactions with clouds and radiation. ART encompasses emission, transport and removal processes of trace gases and aerosols in the troposphere and stratosphere along with their transformations due to chemistry and aerosol microphysics.

ICON is a global weather as well as climate model from the DWD, ART as a sub-module models aersoloe and reactive trace gases including emissions, transport, gas phases and dynamics in tropo- and stratosphere.

The model has already successfully completed a sprint as part of the natESM project. Findings and solutions from the sprint can be found in the documentation.


Programming language(s)#



#atmospheric chemistry #status-integrated #extended core component #aerosols and chemistry #aerosols #chemistry #tracer #icon #clouds #radiation #emission #troposphere #stratosphere #microphysics

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